Monday, May 18, 2015

A New Process for an Old Process

This is always a process- beginning a new social media presence for a company. The old days were fax machines and telephone calling cards but today we are communicating across our mobile devices at such rapid rates that it boggles the imagination.

For many years, coal's place in the order of things was assured and predictable, even against market turns and twists. Now the industry seems embattled along nearly every front and there seems no end in sight.

We have weathered economic downturns before, but the current unpredictability will likely render us a very different industry when the downturn ends.

It is clear that larger mines, especially longwall and superwall mines will rule the future with the smaller operators simply not being able to compete against the technical economies of scale available to the top tier of operations.

We will survive this and we will exit this gauntlet a stronger and even more viable industry. Change is good and our industry is fully prepared to meet that challenge.

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